Claims Investigation Agency

Private Investigator Miami


The Claims Investigation Agency has equipped each Investigator with the best undercover gear to suit any surveillance environment. Our private detectives are surveillance experts with years of experience, we are the best in Miami and Florida.


Our team of detectives specializes in a variety of investigation types: Cheating / Infidelity Specialists, Corporate Investigation, and Child Custody, to meet all of our clients’ needs!


Claims Investigation Agency has the highest standards when it comes to its professional and knowledgeable surveillance team.



Yesterday started like most days with the alarm going off at 0430hrs and me springing out of bed to get ready for the hour or so journey ahead.

Coffee flask filled up, kit is at the bottom of the stairs from where I dropped it last night, keys (check) wallet (check), phone (check) and I’m out the door… Back in the door, face mask (check).

I get to the car and position my kit inside where it serves it’s purpose best. Reset mileage on the trip meter and off we go.

The journey takes me up the towards Ft. Lauderdale. On route I Am thinking about the pre-surveillance info sheet I read last night and hoping the OP (observation post/Surveillance site) looks as simple to site as it did on google street view. I paint a picture of today’s subject in my head and add 10 years because the ID photo provided is that old.

Today’s subject is claiming for what is likely to be a substantial amount of money for a right shoulder & back injuries she sustained from a vehicle collision 5 years ago. Supposedly she is unable to raise her right arm above shoulder height, bend from the waist or lift any heavy items. We will see about that.

Nature then calls as it does EVERY morning and I am forced to pull over at the services and sort things out.

Back on the road again and I soon arrive at the surveillance site just before 0600hrs. I carry out a recon of the property to find 2 vehicles on the driveway, both registered to the Subject. I then telephonically register the surveillance with the local law enforcement.

It turns out the surveillance site is as easy to site as I thought, meaning I shouldn’t have any problems with nosey neighbors today (jackpot!).

I start observing whilst hidden away in my vehicle with windows up, and sun visor up, the fan running because it’s already getting warm and cameras at the ready. No one will know I’m here. 1 hour passes, no change. 2 hours pass, no change. I need my coffee, carry on observing. At just before 0900 the subjects husband walks out the front door who appears to be leaving for work for the day. As suspected he departs in “his” vehicle.

Carry on observing. 3 hours pass, no change. The coffee has almost completed its journey.

Carry on observing. 4 hours pass, no change. 5 & 6 hours pass, no change. At the 7th hour our subject walks out the front door. Start filming. She’s grown gray hair and is now at least 75 pounds heavier since the provided ID photos were taken (took me by surprise a little bit).

The subject walks to “her” vehicle and opens it with her right hand raising above her head (on film). She throws some empty shopping bags in the backseat, and bends from the waist as she ties her sneakers and sets off.



I follow her to a Supermarket a few miles down the road and watch her getting out of the car and open / close vehicle door again with her right hand (on film). She then gets herself a shopping cart and goes inside. I follow her in. The subject is watched, followed and filmed covertly all the way around the store whilst paying particular attention to her right shoulder and injured back.

I blend in by just doing my own food shop. Those baked beans look nice, I think I’ll get some! She is seen and video documented as she takes a ride on her shopping cart (like a kid on a skateboard). Later, while she stood and as she bent multiple times whilst she retrieved goods off the shelves and reached for light, medium and heavy weighted items from low medium and high shelves as she completes her weekly shop. She then proceeds to the checkout and unloads her shopping onto the conveyor belt to be scanned before bagging it all up.

I’m no doctor, but there doesn’t appear to be anything wrong with her right shoulder and/or her back. (I’m sure the medical professionals will have some raised eyebrows when watching this footage). Once she’s done, she takes the shopping back to the car and opens the vehicle door again with her right hand (on film) and lifts the shopping bags out of the trolley with both hands and bending from waist as she places bags into the vehicle. She then takes the shopping cart back whilst I get myself ready for a vehicle follow, and before you know it, we are on the move.

The subject is then followed at pace away from the supermarket where I lose contact with her after she shot through the amber light causing me to hit the red ($*?<<€€$^?!). She is obviously in a rush because she doesn’t want the fish fingers to defrost, and as such I suspect she is just heading home. When I arrive back at her house, I catch her just in time opening the car door with her right hand (on film) to take the 4 shopping bags inside with another 4 bags in her left hand, and 3 more heavier looking bags in her right hand.

The last hour or so is spent keeping a loose eye on the property in the unlikely event she ventures out again.

Just before I close up shop for the day the subjects partner arrives home for his fish finger dinner. I made a note of it but there was no need to film him as he’s not really relevant. I then make my back home.

Once I am home, batteries go on THE charge SO I AM ready for tomorrow! reports get written up, videos ARE uploaded and recommendations are made! OH YEA, AND I’ve got fish fingers for dinner as well!

Job done, mission success, happy operative, happy client, BUT A VERY unhappy claimant/subject.