The Claims Investigation Agency has equipped each Investigator with the best undercover gear to suit any surveillance environment. Our private detectives are surveillance experts with years of experience, we are the best in Miami and Florida.
Our team of detectives specializes in a variety of investigation types: Cheating / Infidelity Specialists, Corporate Investigation, and Child Custody, to meet all of our clients’ needs!
Claims Investigation Agency has the highest standards when it comes to its professional and knowledgeable surveillance team.
How do you know When to Hire a Private Investigator ? From our professional experience, there are three main situations that will lead you to hire a Private detective. Hiring a private detective in Miami or in any other large US city is much more common than people think. Cuanto Cuestan Los Detectives Privados Key Biscayne. Many people are faced with problems and situations from which they do not know how to get out of. It is at that moment when they decide to count on professional help. So, just as someone who has a health problem goes to the doctor, that person who faces complex crossroads that border on legality or that require extra information to make a final decision chooses to hire private detectives. Situations that require hiring a private detective:
• Relationship problems
• Missing or lost persons
• Labor problems
With all this boom that social networks have been having, it was only a matter of time before they began to attack the integrity of people through this channel, either by creating fake profiles or simply harassing others through it. But if that is your case, in Private Detectives Florida we have the best computer forensic experts in Miami to guide you through Identity Theft Investigations to end this horrible odyssey. Cuanto Cuestan Los Detectives Privados Key Biscayne. One of the most frequent computer crimes nowadays is identity theft. For this reason, many private investigation agencies offer their services to locate this event and find evidence to find the culprit. Possibly, if you were the object of a bank fraud, the modus operandi were identity cloning, since when you enter the network you are a simple target of a computer predator who intends to commit a crime using your personal notes.